Is there a way while accessing, the condition changes to make it return automaticallyis there any way during access the condition change to make it come back automatically

is there any way during access the condition change to make it come back automatically

Or is there a way to know if an account is accessing it on multiple devices at the same time?

It’s not clear what you are asking. Can you explain your actual scenario please?
Are you wanting to reset a column to a default value?
Or something else?

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Or is there a way to know if an account is accessing it on multiple devices at the same time?

Accessing what?

Or is there a way to know if an account is logged in on multiple devices at the same time?

oh, right.
hmm, no, not that I am aware of.

What would you do with this information if there was a way to get it?

Because hysteresis is a vulnerability for incorrect values ​​to occur

I tried to generate a confirmation code that lasts about 15 seconds but it doesn’t work as expected

Can you please try to describe the problem that you are trying to solve?

It might be that the solution isn’t what you expect it to be, but I can’t say because I’m still trying to understand what the problem is.

if you have 1 usd to buy 1 item for 1 usd but if you log in on 2 devices at the same time then you have 1 usd to buy 2 items due to the delay of the application is 10 seconds

ah, I see.

This is a tricky one, and I don’t know that there is a really good solution.

I only have 1 solution is that if I do this, the balance will be negative