Is it possible to have a user account expire after a certain period (e.g. 6 months)?

Hi, is it possible to have an account expire after a certain period say 6months, this would be useful for controlling app data access for contract employees for example?

You should use Allowed Email List to control access to your app in this case. When you remove a user’s email from the list, they will be evicted from the app and prohibited from signing in again immediately.


thank you so much, and is there security restriction to one gadget per user sign-in?

No, we currently do not limit the number of gadgets per user! Is that a feature you desire?

You could also do this with visibility and the new date calculation feature.

Have users submit profile information, capture the date of submission, then make content accessible/visible if the date is within the 60 day time frame.


yes, i think it can be useful to control data access …

That is not a secure way to do it—hiding data from view is not a security feature. We strongly recommend using features like Allowed Email List and Row Owners.

You could calculate your Allowed Email List in your sheet in a similar fashion, and this would kick people out of your app after 60 days, but you would need Background Refresh turned on to update the time-based sheet formulas.


Thanks, Lisa

in this case we would prefer employees to use preinstalled apps we provide them during the contract…
something like that

and thanks Dave…most helpful

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Cheers, and welcome to Glide!

Loving it!

yes definitely …in this case, we would prefer employees to use preinstalled apps we provide them during the contract…

or something like that