The reaction component allows you to configure different reactions your users can have to your items.
Each reaction has an emoji – which is seen in the app, and a text string – which is written to the sheet or data editor. Like the Rating and Like components, the Reaction component should be used with user-specific columns if you want users to all to react to the same items.
This is cool, but trying to understand how we can use this info to improve the user experience. Will users be able to filter their lists by reaction? What are some other use cases?
@ThinhDinh And no workaround for this? Cannot add a count column and roll it up? While this is a much loved feature that clearly brings joy to all, It seems impractical until we can roll up. Hopefully that will be possible very soon if there is no workaround!
Since I’m on a roll with my feature requests today, please please pleaseeee - let us have more utility with user specific items sooner than later! I can barely contain my excitement about this happening! There is no workaround for many of these cases, and even so, workarounds make the apps more complex and difficult to maintain so I’m avoiding them unless critical. Also noticed that special values for email and date are not available - I guess because you can’t record the reaction outside of a form.To be able to use these amazing reactions, or to use those cute ratings you introduced, to be able to roll up choices related to event RSVPs, upvote/downvote things, etc. would be hugely impactful to the user experience for many apps!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend! It’s another 90 degree day in NYC so I’m staying cool inside Gliding.
Well, actually this is exactly what I wanted to do but then ran into the problem that you can’t require that a reaction choice be made.
I was going to use in a survey as a nicer choice component for the question “how happy are you working here” which is a standard employee net promoter score question, but can’t risk people skipping it!
But I still cannot require that they choose a reaction before they submit the form…correct? I have the reactions writing to the column using the email and date special values, but the issue now is that I can’t require a reaction to be selected…