Insiders App Template Home Screen


I am trying to use some aspects of the Insiders App for my own and can’t figure out how to get the user Info to show up on my app as it is in the Insiders App from the Home Sheet. When I am in Features and adding a condition, it is not giving me the user ID info as displayed below in the instructions from the video. How did I generate the User ID Info image?

Insiders App Home Screen Dropdown

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Can you give us some screenshots from the Insiders instance of the feature you’re talking about? Or a timestamp where it is shown would be nice. Thank you.


Hey, @Paige_L_Martin, this can help

Glide • Quickstart

or, watching the video


@ThinhDinh… The image above is how it is shown on the video. The bottom icon of User, which eventually leads to the Access Level, Biography, Image, Email, and Name does not show up on my app at all. I was wondering if I could access the user sheet from my app, from the Home Screen as it is above to pull the users in? If so, would I need to customize it when I am trying to enter the value condition?

Attached is how it looks on my own app.

Inline List Options

@Lucas_Pires…I will also review the User Profiles video again. I might have missed something there.

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Just to make sure then…

Did you create a “user” table with Email, Avatar, Name add this table as user profile in the side menu?

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@Lucas_Pires …ah…no I did not. Is that why I am not seeing the User ID info?

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Maybe, try it out and tell me
As in the video I sent

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@Lucas_Pires…I did see the table in the video. Will try and hopefully that will fix it. Thanks!

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@Lucas_Pires…thank you so much. It worked!

Glad it worked @Paige_L_Martin ! Any doubt you can topic here :relaxed: