Hi there Gliders - Its me again!
I have a visitor guide app that I have finally got working (Thank you all :))
It has an intro page with four options (Experiences, Plan, Learn, Hints)
Of those four options there are more choices (Walks, Cafes, History & Uber info)
And when you click on those, you get a choice of walks (cafes etc) and then you click on that and get the individual info with addresses, menus etc.
This all work very well for the parts of the app with the four layers
Experience - Walks - Choices - Individual walk info
Plan - Cafes - Choices - Individual cafe info
What I am now having trouble with is when there is no choice in some cases and the app displays the choice twice (one tap, then another tap before you get the info that you are looking for) to make the four layers
Learn - History - title page again (as there are no history choices) - Actual Information
Hints & Tips - Uber - Uber title page again - Uber info
I initially thought I could move the info back a page but Ive discovered I have three spreadsheets but four layers in app.
Can anyone help me move the info or format the spreadsheets so I don’t have this redundant extra tap that feels wird and wrong to my beta testers.
Please remember I’m an old lady who is not very technimologial. Please make your answers as simple as you can!