Independent Screen Configuration Per Item

Has this feature been removed? opened glide after 3 weeks!

It’s still there:

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Is is possible to use Independent screen configuration per item within Glides Pages? I have not been able to find under which components this might be available or which Actions support this.

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I don’t think it’s an option in Glide Pages. An alternative is to have as many branches of action as you have items, then use “Show new screen” on each item and configure each screen independently.

Let’s say you have Item A, Item B & Item C.

Your condition would look like.

If “Item” is Item A then Show new screen > This item.
If “Item” is Item B then Show new screen > This item.


Hey, @ThinhDinh . I’m sorry, but I couldn’t fnid a way to make it happen in my Glide Pages. I have a list and every item in this list should lead me to a unique subpage that contains a specific embed link to each item in the list.

I was wondering if you could explain a bit more deeply what you suggest in this coment.

Thanks in advance!

If you have an embed link in each row, then you should just show the details screen and have a webview for that embed link. Do I understand it correctly or do you need something else?

I’ll try it. I keep you updated.

@ThinhDinh I tried but the same embed link is shown for the resto of the items in the list. And I need to show a especific embed link in each detail screen

Something doesn’t sound right here.

Would you mind providing a screen shot that shows how this looks in the Glide Data Editor, as well as one that shows how you have it displayed in your App layout?


@ThinhDinh @Darren_Murphy
I solved!!! Sorry for the delay.

I worked with colections inside collections and with relation columns.

If you want to insert any element, for example other collection, inside items in lists, for pattern, all the elements setted in a single list’s item will be shown in every itens else. In Glide Apps there’s a selectbox where you can force to make each item unique/independet, but in Glide Pages it there’s not.

But, if you open another table with the elements you want to show in each collection’s item and set relation columns in the previous table, it’s possibel to achieve that.

I’m not sure I understand your method. Do you have a link for each row and you want to embed them in a webview component, or do you want a completely different layout for each row?

@ThinhDinh I have a list of reports in Google Data Studio here and each report contains 2 or more pages.

My goal was to list all of the reports in a collection and, inside of each of the items (reports names), I wanted to show just the pages that are included in the specific report selected.

To do that, I listed, in a Glide Table, the name of all reports have. In another Glide Table, I listed all the pages I have in all of the reports and, in another column, I put the related report name of the pages’ name.

Once it was done, I went back t the Table that only contains the names of the reports and created a Relation column wich pulls all the page names of each report.

Then, I was abble to use that Relation column to make the app show just te pages names realted to the report selected in theapp.

Hi guys,
I want the detail screen for each item in my collection to be linked to a DIFFERENT table, and I want a unique screen layout for each item.
There is one person used to advise me “To do that, you will have to create a custom action on the item click. In that custom action you will need an series of IF branches with a ‘Show New Screen’ action below each branch. Each IF condition will need to look at some value in your table to know which screen to go to.”
I have found but cannot do it. Could you please show me more in details?
Thank you so much!!!

Can you show us how you’re setting up the data structure? Do you mean you have a list of items in some kind of a helper table, and then when you click each of those items, it would be linked to different tables?

The advice you received is the correct way to do it, though you might have to explain more about your use case for us to help.

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