Incoming Airtable API Changes - Will this impact Glide users?

Hey all,

Just received this email from airtable about an upcoming change in their API where images will no longer be able to be retrieved after 2 hours.

  1. Is this something that will impact Glide users who are using Airtable?
  2. If so, what can we do to prepare and mitigate this issue?

On November 8, 2022, Airtable will improve the security of our attachment URLs by incorporating an expiring links functionality across our product surface areas.

You are receiving this email because this update includes changes to the way Airtable’s API handles attachments. Specifically, it looks like you’re downloading or viewing attachments more than 2 hours after receiving them from our API, which will no longer work when we incorporate the expiring attachment links functionality.

Why are we doing this?

This change in response to increased customer demand to enforce more robust security standards to ensure only authorized Airtable users can view attachments.

Who will be impacted and what should I do?

This will impact any users downloading or viewing attachments more than 2 hours after receiving them from our API.

Please see our support article for a full overview and suggested next steps. Below is a quick summary of what you can do:

  • If you are using the API through an app or integration that you did not develop yourself, please make sure that the developer of your integration is aware of these upcoming changes.
  • If you are the developer of an Airtable API integration that uses attachment URLs, you will need to change how your integration uses attachments so that it displays or downloads the URL before it expires.
  • If you are generating a website using our API that directly embeds attachments using their URLs, you’ll need to change your approach. With this expiring links functionality, the Airtable API will no longer support the use of attachments for public file hosting. You will likely need to mirror your attachments outside of Airtable for long term storage and for public hosting.

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