Import data from GS into Glide - Help!

So I’ve merrily started off down the path of converting to Glide tables… but running up against major obstacles.
So I’ve created Glide tables to mirror each GS. Loads in fine. Works fine. Even keeps the same RowID. Great so far.
So then I start to build screens. Again fine, happy days.
In the meantime, my users have updated the classic app, so the data that I originally imported has either been edited, or added to.
So now the problem is; I have a working app, but old data. So I have to find a means of updating all of the tables with revised data, without messing up the new app I’ve just developed. The steps to achieve this are unclear to me.
I’ve tried: deleting the contents of an existing table, and exporting the updated data from the old app into a GS into .CSV. Then trying to import this into Glide - but if refuses to import anything. So I tried cut and paste. Error prone. This also then means the RowIDs no longer synchronise, which totally messes up my app, as it links different tables based on RowID.
The only thing I can think would work would be to take my old app out of live, do the data imports into the new app, furiously develop the new app and get it into live asap so users notice nothing. This surely can’t be the only solution?
Is there anyone out there who has actually converted a fully working & LIVE app from GS containing many relations and calculated columns to Glide tables? If so I’d be grateful for your perspective, as I’m stumped.
Thanks in anticipation.

Why the intermediate step into a Google Sheet?
You should be able to export CSV from the first App, and then immediately import that into the second App. No need to go anywhere near a Google Sheet. The only scenario where the import might not work cleanly would be if the column names don’t match up.

ok thanks Darren - to clarify, I didn’t mean GS. My bad explanation. I meant the green coloured tables in Glide that are linked to GS. I’m attempting to replace these with the black coloured Glide tables, so I can stop using GS and hence reduce synching etc. So yes, I can export this data directly into a CSV without going to GS.
Use case: I have Classic App “A” in live, receiving daily updates to the data, which is synched GS. I want to rewrite the App as a new App, and at the same time migrate to Glide tables.
So I’m developing the new app, based on a snapshot of data. Once the new app development is complete, the Classic app will be taken offline, the new app made live, and the data used by the new app will need to be updated to reflect the latest data in the Classic app at the point it was decommissioned.
When I delete the data in the new app (by deleting all rows) in preparation for loading in the CSV file containing the up to date data, the import fails. No error message, just nothing happens.
I found this post also which I believe is a similar thing.

Okay, that’s odd. It should work. I’ve done that plenty of times. At this point I think I’d suggest submitting a support ticket.

FYI. According to the support desk, Glide does NOT have the functionality to read in the RowID exported from another table, and read that column into the system RowID of the new table. I’ve tested this, and whilst it works on first creating a new Glide table, on emptying the rows and re-importing the same .CSV file, it does fails. So my ticket has no resolution - and they have opened a feature request.

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