Images in 1 column / Videos in 1 column / Carousels

How to include all images in one column?
How to include all videos in one column?
So people can move on the next video or image by clicking on left\right icons

Depends on where the images are now. Are they across many columns? Use a make array column. Across many rows? Use a look up column.

Hello Ozodbek, welcome to Glide and the community forum.

I’m going to assume that you wish to allow the end user to upload images and videos, and display carousels of these, one carousel for the images, and one for the videos.

To create a carousel of images

  • In the data editor: Create a multiple images column. This column will house an array of images.
  • In the layout editor: In a form, add an image picker and bind it with the multiple images column. On the screen, add an image component and point it to the multiple images column.

This will automatically create an image carousel.

To create a carousel of videos
Same idea, but unfortunately I don’t think you can get a video carousel. You will need to split of the array of files/videos to display them individually.

  • In the data editor: Create a multiple files column.
  • In the layout editor: In a form, add a file picker and bind it wit the multiple files column.
  • Back in the data editor: The multiple files column returns an array, which unfortunately won’t be read by the video component. Isolate the elements of the multiple files column with as many single value columns as needed.
  • Back in the layout editor: Add videos components pointing to the video single value columns.
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Hello! Thanks a lot it really has worked for images. But reverse is true for the videos.
Can I create smth like in courses When users have completed first video they can move to the next video by clicking next. Thank for response in advance.
One more question when users have uploaded a pdf file how they can open it?

Head over to Glide University to see if that’s the experience you want. You can create a learning management system with Glide, in fact Glide University is built entirely using Glide.

Use the “open link” action on a button component or action row component.

Do you store those videos in different rows or the same row? Ideally those would be store in different rows, and you can “number” the list of videos, then use a query to create a relation between those rows so a “next” experience would be achievable.

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