Image In a Table

Hi, is there a way to show an image in a datatable rather than the URL?

Yes, if it’s an actual Image type column. Looks like yours is not?

Ah. I allow for both in the table

and then pick up the URL as the column that is shown on the layout.

Is there a way to convert all the URLs to an image column?

Does it need to be? Image columns are just text based urls underneath that are rendered as an image in the data editor. It has no effect on the app front end. If you want to display an images use an image component. If you want to display text use a text component.

Sorry, realizing now that you are trying to display in a grid component.

Yes that correct. I need it in a data table so that I can show all of the columns in the table as the collections only let me show a few.

I was trying to almost re-upload the image URL using an aciton but can add hte URL into the image column

Try editing your Image URL column and change the type to Image. I’m not sure if the IF column will reflect it or not, but usually when all results of an IF are the same type, then the IF assumes the same type.

It That didn’t do it unfortunely.

I gues the question is, can I access this via a form

Oh, it seem the answer is yes. Think it should be sorted then

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