why choice does not let me choose some of the options I have put?
Hi @Luna_Luna,
We need more information about the issue to help you!
Is it possible to add some screenshots of the preview and the setup!
Thank you
For the two that don’t work, check if you have any trailing white space.
Thanks! It works! Why does it happen?
Thanks Darren for adding that! Appreciated! Didn’t aware of that! Looks like a bug?
It has always been the main culprit of multiple choices not working based on reports in this forum. I’m not sure if it can be considered a bug or not, but I think what happened is:
Glide automatically trimmed the value to be written to the choice cell.
The choices that have been chosen will be matched by original value equals to written choice.
In this case, there’s a mismatch because of trailing spaces, hence the “bug”.
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