I cant add new information to the users data table because it deletes when refreshing the page

I’m using a template to create a Client and Employee Portal.
However, I’m unable to add any new columns or edit the preexisting columns because every time I do that, it says that Glide can’t set up the column and has to refresh the app. The problem is that when the app refreshes it deletes all the information i put on all the tables and then adds the column. I want to know if this is normal or if I’m doing something wrong.
Please help me out and thank you in advance.

Here is a recording of what the issue looks like:
Screen Recording

That is a problem I had with templates. Glide did a fix, but seems like it still doesn’t work properly.

Oh no, is there any workaround or anything i can do?

I did something that work once, but not sure if it still works. From the copied template, create a new template, and then create an app from that new template.

In another thread, a user suggested that a bug with templates has been solved. Can you please try again?

No it’s not even letting me create the template :frowning_face:

Unfortunately no. Now i have another problem were i cant delete the column that has now been added due to the other bug

If it was me, I would create a new App from scratch, using the template as a reference.


Thank you! I’m new to this software but I’ll try my best :blush:
Thanks to all of you for your help!