Sallon Beauty’s V.2 Sneak peek is coming with special news. You’ll be able to:
- Access user & Admin view in the same app (before were 2 separated apps)
- Date and Hour slots for each specialty of each professional
- Rate each professional
Sallon Beauty’s V.2 Sneak peek is coming with special news. You’ll be able to:
Super (as always)
Nice design
Thank you @Rosewebstudio @Bahadir_Kaya
Superb. This was your first showcase back in the days wasn’t it?
Yes & no.
Yes, because it’s the same design; and
No, the first version wasn’t possible to book, because I created also before I do and Admin and User App was 2 separated.
So, in this new version (sneak peek in the video), I show time slots for date, hour and category for booking and Admin&User view all-in-one