How to make a Chrome Extension for Glideapps

Hello all,

I mentioned too much but :smiley: I did a lot of work for my new app hupu

I made an chrome extension for my app.

I created another glideapp for this extension but it uses same Google Sheet.

Because i did not want to use same design for extension and main application.

However very simple way to do it.

Open a folder in your local.

you need only 3 docs. One is png for icon of extension

Others are html page for show. And the last one is mandatory file for extension (manifest.json)

I share codes here you can copy and use easily. Just change names from a coding software (notepad++ or Bracket.)


"name": "***Hupu***",
"description": "***Share links via numbers***",
"version": "2",
"manifest_version": 2, 
"default_icon": "*hupu.png*",


"icons":{"500": "***hupu.png***"}


index html to show glideapp as extension popup

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">


<iframe src="**" width="500" height="300"></iframe>

Then your extension is ready.

For trying free just go to Google Chrome Extension page

and open developer tools from right side and

Click Load unpacked and browse your folder. Choose folder that includes this three files.

Thatsall you can try your extension.

I want to hear some smart ideas using glideapps as extension.



Just a reminder to take the asterisks out of the <iframe> src


This is awesome! Thanks!

FYI chrome is now using Manifest v 3 which is structured slightly different. based on the original post, it would now look something like

    "manifest_version": 3,
    "name": "***Hupu***",
    "description": "***Share links via numbers***",
    "version": "2",
    "icons": {
      "500": "***hupu.png***"
    "action": {
        "default_popup": "index.html"

and now seems like this method will no longer work using iframe

You can iframe embed with a business or higher plan. You just need to contact Glide support to have them enable it for you.

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