How to fill a helpers table in ordered sequence

Hi gliders!
I’m going to fill out a helpers Table in ordered Sequence, where the Order is based on a some sorted Element in JSON inside. Unfortunately the Call API does’nt support the preordered running of mutations.
So what would be the most practical way to fill the helper’s Table in sequence as i have in my sorted JSON or in a sorted Query?

  1. Seems it could be a loop in a Workflow based on my JSON. But how to get i-th element of data source inside a loop?
  2. Or is there some more practical way?
    Tnahk you in advance :pray:

My question is: Why do you want to insert data in a specific sequence? Why not just use a query and sort the data when reading it?


Hi @MaximeBaker
The same idea becomes to me either 15 min ago, and am working on it now)) Thank you very much!

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Absolutely! That happens to me all the time! :joy:

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