How to create an app for taking Sales Orders

tes…,I want to keep not , I think I am not need subdomain so it doesn’t change address …
I want to keep instead of .

@Jeff_Hager need your help!

I’ve done as you said here. But now I wanna disable the buttons from the other companies while I have some items from one business in my cart shop

I’ve tried using in the Products sheet Template ID+Business and a Relation to get if that business has already gotten, but I think I’m getting lost somewhere about the visibility

It’s the only detail it’s missing

Then configure your app IN GLIDE using your domain.
You don’t need the other one.

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I’ll probably need a better visual, since I don’t know how exactly your app is set up, but I imagine you would need some sort of relation on the product sheet to the order sheet.

I would create a template joining the signed in user’s email, and a boolean value of false. Use that to link to the order sheet where you will have a template of the signed in user’s email and the confirmed order boolean value (true/false).

Next do the same template/relation setup again, but this time include business name on both templates.

Now you will have 2 relations that you can use for your visibility. Set the visiblility to show the button if no unfulfilled order exists for that user (first relation is empty) OR an unfulfiled order exists for that business only (second relation is not empty).

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Yes! That’s what i missed. The confirmed option. Instead of Boolean in my order sheet, I used If then to bring the number 1 when the Relation to confirmed orders is empty.

Thank you so much! It works perfectly as usual


please observe the picture above, the screen appears a lot of service seller profile pictures appear, the longer will be more and more lists are becoming sellers. I want to limit the display that appears, for example only 20 people who appear on the screen other than that must go through the search field, is it possible ??

Yes it’s possible. There is actually template available that you can copy and use.if not, I’ll explain how to achieve it. Let me check if template is still available on the glide App Store.

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You are only put 4 radio and are different wirh 12 popular tab.

I thnik for app is good enough.
I came up with inspiration from your app, my idea is that anyone can make a radio station or TV station in the Glide app, is it possible ??

Hi, this is not my app. Sorry. A generous person made it available for others to copy and learn from his app. Thank him, not me :slightly_smiling_face:

Tv? hmmm well yes and no. You can livestream say from YouTube.

I’m trying to get this. Wiz made available their template but I deleted by error. Can you share yours. I’m trying to replicate the multi restauran order feature!
Thanks in advance and awesome work!

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I can’t find the template in the glide app store

Sorry, which one ?

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I want to limit the display that appears, for example only 20 people who appear on the screen other than that must go through the search field, is it possible ??

Sorry 5 am where i am. Yes you can sort the data.and show 1st 20 items only. I’ll post the formula later in the day for you. Tx.

Hi sorry for the delay. my network down and still is. I’m using mob data.

Here we go:

  1. Create a hot topics or most popular tab in you spreadsheet (let’s call it BreakingNews). Then decide how many Breaking news items you want from your main sheet (let’s call it the AllHeqdlines sheet) displayed as BREAKING NEWS. Say its 10 for now.

  2. Use this formula to pull the first 10 items from your AllHeadlines sheet into your BreakingNews sheet.

=Query(AllHeadlines!A:C,”select * limit 10”)

A:C is the range. I’ve assumed you have 3 columns only. You can change it.

  1. Create details display tab in app Then use two inline lists.
  2. For first inline list use the BreakingNews tab, and choose between cards or boxes. Display them how you like. Then tick search box to activate it.
  3. For 2nd inline list, which you will display under first inline lis, pull the AllHeadlines tab and choose the compact list. Then turn on search bar.
    That’s first option.

Second option.

On one tab of your app display only the first 10 items. Create a 2nd tab to display AllHeadlines.

Third option.

One one tab of your app display only the first 10 items. Make sure it’s a details display. Om this page create a button called say “for more headlines tap button”. When the button opens pull the “AllHeadlines” sheet. This has limitations by the way.

Try all of them out for yourself.

The following link has detailed info on how you can use SortN to pretty much achieve the same.

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There are other options. But those involve creating relations between items/categories. Check out the Glide Documentation.

Excellent recommendations by Wiz, but I would like to add something about this here.

There’s a possibility that some people’s sheet are configured so that their latest items are added to the last rows. In that case, assuming column A contains the date of the item. You can do a query like:


Or this would have the same effect, albeit you have to do it in separate columns.

=QUERY(SORT(News!A2:A,ROW(News!A2:A),TRUE),"limit 10 offset "&(COUNTA(News!A2:A)-10))

I better save this :innocent:

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