I am creating an app for a restaurant and using stripe as the mode of payment. The stripe account should be linked to the client’s stripe account for whom i am creating the app but how to do so?
Thank you for your help,
I am creating an app for a restaurant and using stripe as the mode of payment. The stripe account should be linked to the client’s stripe account for whom i am creating the app but how to do so?
Thank you for your help,
You need to create a Google account for the client. As you have found out Stripe is linked to the Google Account not the individual apps within the account. You may also want to create an Organization for that new Glide account that you create on behalf of you client. Then you can make yourself a member and work on that app when logged into your account.
Thanks for your quick response. My client already has a google account (do you mean gmail account by the way?).
But then how do i connect to his google account? Is it required to move to an Organization? I don’t understand what is the exact process…
No, your client has to create a Glide account, an organization, initiate an app with a first draft of gsheet, and add your own email address as a member of the org. So you will be able to work on his app. And when you will implement the buy button, your client will have to enter his Stripe credentials to connect his glide account with stripe.
Not the best way to proceed as an app builder, but the only way to do as of today.
Ok clear:
Other question, I have a pro app (not in an organization) and have paid for the annual plan.
If i move the app to an organization, do i have to pay again 29$/month for that same app? if i had created the app directly in an organization i would have only paid 29$ /month to get the same features as a pro app in a non organization? I am understanding it correctly?
This is exactly what I do for clients.
Just one question, how to you price the app to the client? One shot? And what about support?
My plan is to build apps for clients, but I do expect to keep the hand on and sell apps as a service, so looking for a way to connect stripe using their account but the app is mine.
And for support, I would not provide anything excepted for characterized bugs, as long as they can do what they want through the app builder once the app is delivered.
In that case you create a Google account for that client but don’t even tell the client you created an account. That would be the Google account you then use just for that clients apps and the one that you open a Glide account under.
Yes, of course, but after that : what about the client Stripe credentials. Difficult to ask the client his Stripe login a’d password, as it’s about financial (and personal) data. The other option is to go and meet him, and ask him to fill the credentials form in Glide, but not really pro, and the day he will change his Stripe password…
The publishable stripe key could be an option, instead of the credentials, for this way to do.
The publishable stripe key you mention, is not something that is currently ready to use in Glide, right?
Non Nicolas, not as far as I know
You don’t have to create anything on your client’s behalf. I just created an Organization in my Glide account for my client’s app and connected his Stripe account to it, independent of my own Stripe account attached to all “My Apps”. This means you don’t have to use/create their google account or create a new Glide account…
Granted, my client didn’t have an issue giving me his Stripe login info. If your client has an issue with it, add him/her to your Organization and direct them through logging into Stripe via the “Buy Button”.
You can add the client to the Org you created for them and walk them through how to log into their stripe account via the buy button.
“My Apps” = 1 Stripe account
1 Org = 1 Stripe account
Thank you for your reply. Very helpful !!
Just a question to make sure i understand it well. In my glide account, I create an organization for my client but when my app goes public i still need to pay 29$/month for that app. By adding the client to the org, you can have him pay for the monthly fee?
@david There is still one thing that i don’t get, what is the difference between a published app in an organization and a pro app (besides the fact that few people whithin the organization can work on and update the app)? In an organization, if you want to have the same features as a pro app, do you have to pay the monthly fee for a published app in the organization and then pay for a pro app?
Public apps within an org are the same thing as Pro apps. Orgs are completely independent of each other and the My Apps section.
We do not call them “Pro” apps because you cannot use them internally, as private apps within the same company. They are for non-internal use only. (We know it’s confusing, we will improve it!)
Hello David,
Thanks for your quick answer. As a side note, you might need to update the features list of a public app vs the pro app on your website as they are not aligned and makes things confusing.
Can I transfer a pro app to a public app in an organization? I have already paid for a pro app in my app but I realize md that I need a public app in an organization.
I have also moved a “Pro” app into an org and would like to know if I can have the “Pro” version refunded since it is now in an Org. Now that I understand how Orgs work, I will not be building apps outside of them and moving them into an Org. I’ll just start in an Org right off the bat and avoid alllll this trouble.