How many NoCode tools are you using?

I’m using Glide, Parabola, PhantomBuster and Rapid API altogether for my app.
It made me wonder how many different apps are others using?
Do you find it hard to sync and debug across platforms?

Best regards!

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Could you explain how do you integrate Glide or a sheets with this apps! Thanks.

Can you specify use cases of other tools so others can follow? I’m interested to hear, thanks a lot!

i use cloudinary,zapier,integromat,,carrd,webflow


I’m using Parabola to manipulate the data that’s in Sheets.
I use Phantombuster to scrape Linkedin profiles and job offers.
I use RapidAPIto access Microsoft vision API and identify males/female users.

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Answered one reply below you.

Do work with team members?
How do you manage version management, debugging broken flows and working with team members?

I use Carrd and Dorik to build onepagers
I use Getreview and Mailerlite to make newsletters
I use Glide and Adalo to build apps
I use Tripetto to make questionaires
I use Memberful and to make membership services
I use Tribe and Circle as community software
I use Canva to make illustrations
I use Unsplash for images
I use to stream video
I use Anchor and to make podcasts
I use YouTube and Vimeo to publish video
I use Zapier to glue stuff together
Etcetera etcetera!


That’s one long list!

In the same format as @erwblo:

I use Glide to build apps
I use Canva to make illustrations, mostly app icons & fake buttons
I use YouTube & Streamable to publish video
I use Cloudinary for on-the-fly image transformation
I use Zapier to make automation flows where it is needed
I use TinyURL for shorten URLs
I use Unsplash & Getty Images for images


Any recommendations for making gift out of videos?

Great @erwblo !!! Thanks


For chat style surveys. Funny and convenient.


I’ll have a look! Thanks! But with Tripetto you can use chat as a survey form as well.

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Do you work alone or with a team?
I’m working with two team mates and we some times break each other’s flows. Does this happen to you?

Wow very long list!
Do you work alone or with a team?
I’m working with two team mates and we some times break each other’s flows. Does this happen to you?

Those things are listed for many apps, we have an agency: and my personal projects.

Usually before starting on an app we agree on what to use, so the flow is not broken midway.

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