How Long Custom Domain Created?

Hi all Gliders…! My name is Israwan, a new GlideApp creator :blush:

I already followed the video instruction of Custom Domain, then added txt into my website on wix → Unfortunately, after 24 hours the custom domain of my glide app is not solved yet (tmsg-app.

I’ve deleted txt info on my wix website for a while. Actually, I expect to share my first glide app next week.

Could anybody inform the next solution and how long it will take? Thank you in advance

I just checked, your domain DNS settings are not configured correctly. You need to check in your registrars DNS configuration and ensure that all the values are set correctly.

Thank you @Jason… Should I copy txt and cname on wix website? And, how long custom domain will be created? I and my team, actually, are still updating our glide app prior to launch to our donaturs

Custom domains are configured in minutes, but it can take your DNS provider up to 24 hours to actually update the records. That depends on entirely who owns your domain name. I do not know how to configure the domain using WIX sorry.

Oh OK, noted. thanks again! :+1: