How do you describe Glide to others?

Hey everyone!

We have a question for our wonderful community :point_down:

How do you describe Glide to colleagues, clients, friends or others?

What language do you use? How do you describe what Glide does and why it’s useful? Forget for a moment the messaging on our website, we wanna learn your take on it. Let’s have a brainstorm on this thread :brain:

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Glide is an easy and flexible tool that helps you quickly go from idea to digital product without being a developer.
PS It is an easy tool, but the more time you spend with Glide the more complex apps and tools you can realize.


Glide is a mobile app builder that you can use to build powerful applications quickly. It’s been designed well and is great for beginners and experts. It’s not perfect for every use case but chances are it’s great for you to figure out if you ever do need to build past it.


How I describe it:

Ok you have an app idea. You think it will help you solve some problem at work or make the next Tinder.

Either way, you feel stuck because you don’t know how to code or don’t know anyone who can code for you.

Glide helps you get your idea into the world within a few hours. Get the code / tech stuff out of the way so you have something to test with real people, and see if your idea is legit.

Glide kills the “I have an idea but can’t code” excuse