I kinda expected to have it done automatically by glide. Haha, I guess I am asking too much for the awesomeness that Glide has already offer!
Anyway, I have Blog => Blog Album sheet.
I already setup both to have rowid, and in Blog Album I already have ID Blog which is the row id from Blog sheet. Upon setting up Add Form for the inline list, I stumble upon missing “automatic” field value for row id from Blog sheet. How do I get that? I kinda expected it will be coming from Screen
I also expected it to be configurable from On Submit event…
Hi Eko,
You can see it in Screen Values :
Thank you
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How do I get to that screen value? For now, I use a button in paren form to add row to child sheet like this:
User will still need to tap that inline list, and edit it there.
I actually would like to let user adding element to using + button below, but the form that shown up after that will not let me add that Row ID Details… not sure how to get to that screen!
This will work for now, but advice please for better way
Why don’t you show them a form at this stage and use screen value? I think it’s odd that you have an add row with Untitled caption and description here opposed to a form.
Great! That’ll be a fine solution for this step. Will do that.
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