I actually tried to make something similar for Melbourne a few months ago but got sidetracked.
Display locations in a list and on a map in sequential order
You could default to the list view in the map component, give each location a numeric value & sort by the value. The map markers will not be identifiable by number though, unless you tap them and see the title.
Show current location
Yes, users can tap the arrow to plot their current location on the map
Show location from 1, to 2, to 3… / Can I show walking directions in app? Or do I need to link to the native maps app on the device?
You could include a column for each location that has directions to the next location. Or a screenshot of the walking trail. Or yeah, a link to the gmaps native app.
At each location, show content (text, image, video, audio, links)
Easy, just create separate columns for the content you need for each location and add the components related to the type of content you want to display.
You could include a column for each location that has directions to the next location. Or a screenshot of the walking trail.
Is there a way that I could show the trail on the map itself? It’s basically a coastal trail so you’re walking from east to west following a path so you wouldn’t need the map for way finding, more just to highlight what is next.
I think the client might want to have location-based notifications, but I think given there are many points of interest on this trail it might work to just finish at location 1, look for location 2 on the map and start walking and view more info when you get to location 2.
Is there a reason that my location doesn’t work in the app once I save it to my phone?