Hit 500/500 by accident and cant undo it!

Hello friends! In my google sheet i had dropped a VLOOKUP formula “all” the way down to infinity which caused me to hit my 500 rows, then i deleted that column from my google sheet but the 500/500 never dropped back down to the 120ish i was at. I reviewed all tabs from my google sheet and the data tab within glide and no formulas extend beyond what i originally had before my aforementioned mistake. I tried reloading the data multiple times.

Any other suggestions?

Are you sure you don’t have any VLOOKUPs or ARRAYFORMULA populating the rows in the wrong way?

Hi @Kevyn_Levine, have you tried deleting the rows (not just clearing the data) that you don’t need? It is a good practice to limit the size of your spreadsheet by limiting empty rows and columns. Try deleting, sync, maybe that will help?