Ok, I think that there is something else where I was not clear enough: my objective is that your second table (the one I called [planning]) be 1 row per user, just like if I created a form.
(this by the way answers to your point “USC data won’t be visible in the app, but only in the dataeditor”).
So, in my detailed flow, after users have enter their route (in the [helper] table), there is a button with a custom action “add row” in the [planning] table.
And here, I’m back with my issue with “Single Values” which changes data dynamically…
I think that I should redo everything, with a basic heavy approach and a standard form (eg. multiple columns to be filled-in by the user in only 1 table).
ooooh… you are adding new routes by adding rows to the help table? you should replace data there… not add… but hold on… you said that the user is editing the help table… and adding a new row to the planning table… then what is the point of having single values there if you can copy data from the help table?.. just add a timestamp column to the planning table and get the latest entry from user adding row… and that will be a current route plan… you have a timestamp and user ID… easy to filter… no need for single values columns… it is pure static data…
make a helper table with one row, for all days… so you don’t have a problem with copying data… what is the reason for having days in separate rows?
I love the just it rhymes with simple.
But in [helper] table my routes are still by day, in 1 column x 5 rows (monday to friday)
=> I don’t see how I can add them in 1 row in [planning] table without “single values”
Yes, this is what I will do, even if I wanted to avoid it for User Experience purpose: much simpler & quicker to input data in a datagrid with 1 column for days" | 1 for departure | and 1 for destination.
And in this case I don’t really need the custom form, a basic form is ok.