Relations are used quite often. Just not the way you think they should. When you see values in a relation column, that’s just telling you that it found matching rows in the related table. The column values you see in that relation can be random. It’s an indication that the relation found rows. It does not return a specific column in those rows.
I’m not sure what you mean. Pick up what? You can point a Lookup column to a table, relation or query, and from there you select which column in that table, relation or query you want to return to the Lookup column.
This is deliberate. Simply put, you can’t put multiple values in something that can only hold a single value (ie. any type of array, including Lookups that refer to multiple relations or directly to tables), and in the case of relations, they don’t actually hold values.
Ok, makes sense. Yeah, I definitely recommend creating relations in the Glide data editor instead of the google sheet. In most cases, the google sheet should do nothing more than hold data. Almost everything else can be done in Glide. If it works as is, your probably fine with what you have, but do consider building that logic in Glide instead of in the sheet.
Have you used the ‘New App from Data’ option? It keeps your tables as is and the only thing you need to rebuild is the front end.
So, back to your original question, is there something specific you are struggling with? What you are trying to show in your screenshot is something that has never been possible, and for logical reasons, never should be. The Title can only display a single value. It cannot display an array, and on a similar note, cannot display a relation because a relation does not contain values. A relation only points to rows. You can use a relation for things, such as the source of collections, or use in combination with Lookups, Joined Lists, Rollups, etc…which would reach through the relation to get to a specific column.