Hi guys, hope you are all well.
Today I want to show my application that I have been working on with a friend for the past week. His company provides warehouse services and he needs a dock booking app for clients, one which would include different, pre-defined booking durations and of course, prevent conflicts.
The link of the app
A little video to show you the process, including the email confirmation. The link is here if the video embedded below doesn’t work.
If you want to read about the app, here, I go through each part of it.
1/User Profiles screen
Users can configure their profile, which consists of profile image & name, using text entry & image picker.
When they have made a booking, their active bookings will be showed under the title, like in the screenshot below.
2/Booking screen
Includes various choice components that reflect the type of dock the user needs. There are 4 unique types of dock based on the combinations of temperature & small/big dock type.
- The truck type will be dynamically generated based on the choice of dock type.
- The dock choices will be dynamically generated based on the choice of temperature & dock type.
Once a date & dock choice have been chosen, bookings from that same date and same dock will be shown to the user before the pick a start time. If the user still persists to choose a slot that conflicts, the app will prevent them from booking.
Inside the form, the choices from the previous screen will be showed in a basic table. The last 2 information users are asked to enter are the PO number and the truck license plate number.
Once the booking is confirmed, a nice little mail will be sent to the user’s email address, with an automatically generated image of the booking details.
3/Admin screen
If you’re not the admin, you can’t access this screen.
The admin tab has 2 functions: availability & dock calendar.
The availability part allows the admin to click checkboxes of which docks are available for next week (booking is only allowed for next week due to business set up). Only available docks will be shown to the user in the booking tab.
The dock calendar part allows the admin to check the bookings based on a date choice.