Hi Friends,
I am trying to create an app where one user can be rated by others based on their performance.
I have successfully created a user onboarding page where users can create their profile and the data provided by the user is saved in “users” Sheet.
The user can be rated based on various parameters ( like 5 - 10 parameters) and I dont want to overpopulate the “users” sheet. I just want the final rating ( which is the average of ratings in all parameters) to be shown in the profile of the users.
I have created another sheet " Rating " which stores the rating in all parameter and also the final rating.
The issue is i don’t find any way to relate the ratings with the respective user and i was not able to create reference column because all details about the user is stored only in “Users” sheet but i need some way to bring atleast one detail about user ( email or user name) to this "Rating " sheet. So that i can relate these ratings back to respective user.
Please help me