Just noticed the new icons available for users in the builder. Looking great Glide!
Is there any documentation surrounding usage rights for these icons? Were they all designed custom by Glide?
Just noticed the new icons available for users in the builder. Looking great Glide!
Is there any documentation surrounding usage rights for these icons? Were they all designed custom by Glide?
Amazing! Thanks
No, these are created by us. You can use them in your apps, of course.
What other questions around usage do you have?
Oh great - they look amazing!
General usage questions related to:
Can you use them for both commercial and personal projects (I am assuming that it follows the standard Glideapps terms)
Can these icons be used in projects where applications are resold (ie like SaaS)
Can they be used for projects where applications are developed and sold on behalf of other entities but hosted by Glide? (Again I am assuming this follows standard agreement)
Are there any restrictions if they are hosted on app stores. I don’t use these services however I have seen others use wrappers or otherwise to “put” Glide apps on app stores
As the other icons followed MiT license it was fairly straightforward to follow though with new icons it seemed appropriate to ask :).
You may use these icons in any Glide project.
Thanks David!
That’s awesome!!
Is there a way to not put an icon? or put a blank space between a page?
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