🎅 Glide Holiday App-off — Win a new MacBook Air!

“If you KNOW the struggles of all things elves”…very cute.

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I have 1 last Holiday app pending submission since December 1st…



They probably don’t want to give you an unfair advantage over me…I only have one lol!


I have 3 already it would of been the 4th…

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Lol…One was enough to knock mine out.

Nah, I don’t think people looked at mine, they looked at the most popular people in the forum and went to theirs.

.I downloaded all of them.

lol, thnx :slight_smile:

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Hey everyone!

I’m a long-time Glide app user (and launched a Startup with Glide almost a year ago). I live in Budapest but all of my family is in the US and separated from each other during the pandemic. Grandma and mom kept asking me for photos of the Christmas tree, the cats, what we’re eating, etc. We don’t use Facebook (or want to), so I decided to use this contest as an opportunity to build something for me to use with the family and also help others connect with their loved ones during the pandemic.

Link to the template in the store: https://www.glideapps.com/templates/holiday-apart-9a

The concept is simple:

Share the holidays together, even when you’re apart. Holiday Apart lets you privately share all your holiday photo moments with your friends and family. Share your best moments eating Christmas dinner, waiting up for Santa, getting dressed for the big day, and opening gifts.

Share photo moments according to category to quickly see everyone’s moments at a glance.

Respond with your own photos or comments.

Send messages to everyone with a shared chat.

Don’t be alone this holiday. Share your Christmas moments with the ones you love.

Hope you guys get some use out of it the way my family and I are! Merry Christmas and stay safe!


Looks great!

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Hey folks, updated with the template in the app store. Hope you guys find it useful during the tough times apart from family!


@david So when are you guys going to start judging the app winners? I know cutoff is January 15th should I make some more holiday apps?


I have submitted my template on the 1st of January and still haven’t got it approved. I really want to be a part of this competition and have done a lot of hardwok. please look into this @glide team

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I don’t think the “judging a apps quality based on how many downloads” should justify its win though. People put apps in at different dates and even into January. It’s unfair to tell them that they have less visiblity and time to make an impact because they waited or took too much time or didn’t have the time to build it sooner.

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Speaking of which, where’s the contest result?


I think today was deadline. Scratch that, your right today is the announced day. :slight_smile:


Will announce soon! In the next few days.


Hey Guys, today was the submission date, and here is my glideapp. I submitted it for review on the 1st of Jan but haven’t heard since. This was an all in one app that included a gift tracker, gift wishlist, secret Santa and a list of holiday games all in built.

you can check out the app at holidayapp.glideapp.io

My intro video : https://youtu.be/QiZZEWkrIjY

DId you take a look at my Christmas Control Center App?

have the results been announced yet. I made an app and I would really like to win the MacBook for the following reasons:

  1. I am in high school and this would help me with online school
  2. I have worked really hard creating his and would love some motivation
  3. I really wanna work with glide forever