Glide | Google Sheets 502 Errors?

Hey Everyone, I don’t use google sheets for my apps, but I do use it for mathematics to send to different endpoints. But for those that do use it as a database for your apps are you experiencing any issues? Since sept 23 I have been experiencing tons of 502 errors on automation platforms like and zapier

google has a issue tracker here, but its been more than a week of manual work arounds etc, and I wanted to see how widespread the issue is:

Google - Google Issue Tracker

Zapier -

Make - Hundreds of Google Sheets errors! - #13 by Jim_Baxley - Features - Make Community

This originates from Google. They have this hiccup once in a while, and it affects especially when I need to use the Search Rows module (which usually takes a bunch of time).

I switched over all my make scenarios that were dependent on google sheets, to datastores instead.

This was alot of work (maybe 12 hours) or so of crushing till 2 am. But the results are that my scenarios are WAY faster, there is less outsourcing and relying on services. and its just a cleaner interface. One draw back is that it uses more operations, I haven’t figured out how to batch insert into data stores, each line takes one operation…

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Yeah seems like you have to iterate through the rows to add… I wonder if they will ever support a JSON array for example.

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On another note, do you know how to clear the value of a cell in a glide table from If I go to edit row and that value is currently “blank” it will leave it alone, but how to do i push a delete cell value from make?

I’ve been having the same issue - I assumed it was from some changes I made to Zaps, but nice to know that doesn’t seem to be the case! It is a bother. Could you give more detail or an example about switching to datastores?

Try using the null value, if I recall right.

Yes, so I used the datastores as a “working table” which processes all the data and then deletes the dataset after processing.

Zapier has tables that work similar, although I don’t use zapier, its too expensive, in my opinion is superior for this purpose. One amazing thing about datastores in is that it gives the rows a key as well, its much more robust than a google sheet row number in my opinion. I was just struggling with getting some complex formulas working inside the datastore, but I figured out some work arounds by doing the math directly inside when I add the row, they have powerful in scenario capacity.