Glide Beginner in Need of Support

I am new to Glide. I have watched multiple videos to get started. I am creating an app for my sister who is a wife, mom and is homeschooling her child. This app is designed to help her organize various aspects of her life. I created the spreadsheet using Google sheets and have a total of 8 tabs for the different categories of her life. I thought once I imported the sheet that each table would become a page and the columns from each tab would be listed perfectly on the pages (generated from the tabs on the Google Sheet). This is not what happened. Can someone help me with this please? This is for her birthday which is this weekend. Thank you!

Each table has the potential to be its own page, but you’ll need to add them manually. Then you’ll need to add components on each page to display the columns from each table.


Thank you for sharing this! Is there a video that provides the step by step process on how to do this? Will I need to delete the Google sheet that I already imported? Thank you again!

Hi Robert. Thank you for helping me. Can you tell me if there is a tutorial or video with the step-by-step process on how to do this? Also, will I have to delete the Google sheet I imported in order to do this? Thank you again.

You shouldn’t need to delete anything. Also, one thing I forgot to mention is that the layout of your Google Sheet is very important. Glide is looking for column headers in the first row and data beneath each header. Can you share a few screenshots of your Google Sheet to verify?


That is how I set it up. Here is a screenshot.

Thank you!

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Just gonna leave this here…


Thank you!

You should dive into the resources that have been posted. But in the meantime, here’s some very basic steps to help you get started. Once you understand some of the basic steps you’ll be on your way and the docs can help you dig deeper. You should be able to put together something by this weekend…and then continue to tweak and add to it. Once you publish it you can still continue updating it and those changes will show up on her end.

First, as Robert said make sure each sheet has column headers in the first row, as your screen shot shows the first sheet does. (You might also put some dummy data in at least the second row so you can see how the data displays. You can delete this later if you like.)

You can now add pages for each of your sheets. In the upper left corner where it says navigation click the “+” and use the drop down menu to choose “screen from data” and select one of the sheets. You’ll repeat this for each of the sheet. If they don’t all appear there, make sure you have at least one column header in any of the missing sheets.

Once you have pages created, you can start to work on how you want the data to display. On the left hand side under COMPONENTS you’ll see “collection” plus the sheet name. On the opposite, right-hand side of the page, under STYLE you’ll see choices like table and list. Start with one of those for now.
Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 6.59.18 PM

Right below that it will say ITEMS DATA or COLUMNS. There you can choose which of your columns is displayed in each of the available spaces.

As you’ll see, for each row in your sheet that has data, there will be a row in the table or list. When that is clicked, it takes you to a new screen (one that doesn’t have a menu or page name) that has the details for that item. Among the many things you can customize is what information from that row in your sheet is displayed on that page, or even what happens when you click that item (such as displaying a new screen or displaying the item information in a popup window).

To change action settings like this, look to the top right and choose actions. You’ll see the default actions that Glide provides but if you want to go further, you can choose “enable advanced actions”. You can always return to the default actions if you want.

This should get you started. My guess is one thing you’re going to want to understand is relations and how that helps you link data between each of the sheets. Hope that helps.


Thank you so much! This is very helpful! I will get going on this tomorrow. I really appreciate everyone’s support. My sister’s birthday is Saturday and I would love to have this done in time.

Hello, I am working on completing the instructions that you provided me. My screen looks differently than yours as displayed in the screenshot you shared. I don’t see Navigation with the dropdown. I have provided a screenshot of what I see. Please let me know what I should do. Am I in the wrong place?

This is what it looks like when I click the + button.

HI there. There are three different screens you’ll be working with in Glide and they are listed, centered across the top “Data” “Layout” and “Actions”. Your Screenshot shows that you are in the Data view. For the instructions I provided you want to be working in the layout view.

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Thank you! I will course correct now.

Come back as more questions come up.

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Thank you again to everyone for your help! I was able to give my sister access today for her birthday. I am still learning and will likely have to provide support as I learn more. I do have 2 additional questions.

  1. Why am I continuing to see this screen that says “the screen’s visibility is false”? This is the user screen. How do I fix this? (See screenshot)
  2. With Glide apps, how can you provide complete privacy to users and not allow yourself or other users to view or access their private entries. I am using Glide differently than those with companies that share data or for events. If I want to provide the platform/app and for each user to have private usage and complete privacy when it comes to their data, what is the best way to do this? If there is a video/document that explains this, please do share. I went through several of the videos provided…and will continue to explore more.

I am also trying to figure out the best (and most user friendly way) for my sister to be able to export her data. I found this video that briefly explains it.

I added the button using the first option, but they didn’t finish the instructions before jumping to option 2. Is there a resource that gives step by step instructions for this particular task?

You have a visibility condition on that tab. Check the Options tab in the right hand panel and see what the condition is.

As a developer, you are going to have access to the data one way or another because it’s stored in your database.

If you want to isolate data among your users, your best option is to use Row Owners.

What’s explained for option 2 would be the exact same thing you would do for option 1. It shows you how to configure the Generate CSV action to create a CSV file.