I would like each field in a form container to show up one by one to not overwhelm the user and keep their attention. I do this by creating visibility conditions for each field.
I tried setting the default value to a invalid one while it’s not visible, but the form can still be submitted while required values aren’t visible.
Describe the bug:
- Forms can be submitted while Required fields are blank.
(Similar to
Submit with blank form required field
Form Submission is allowed without filling mandatory fields - #7 by Manan_Mehta)
Expected behavior:
- Submit should not be allowed until all required fields are filled with a value.
How to replicate:
Create a Form Container, then:
- Create Text Input Field ‘A’ (any type).
- Create Number Input Field ‘B’ (any type) and set to required.
- Make Input Field ‘B’ visible only if Field ‘A’ is filled.
- Observe that the submit button is clickable even though required field ‘B’ is blank.
Suggested improvement:
It seems that the ‘submit’ button’s logic is
“allow submission if all visible required fields are valid”.
Suggest to change to:
"allow submission if all visible required fields are valid AND all non-visible required fields are filled / have a default value set".