After working for about 2 years on my Glide app everything you will need is available
The main idea of the app is to contain every vape shop in Iraq into one place as a market
App Features :
List of shops (shop name, shop ranking system, location, social network links, phone numbers and user rating)
List of used items for the users so every user can add his own used items to the used items tab and any other user can comment and chat with the seller
Rating and comments
In app calculator for the power voltage, ampere and coil resistant
Custom shopping cart (item name, price, quantity and total price)
1 on 1 private chat
Still working on the domain and I’m trying to convert this glide app to native IOS and Android application I already made it native for Android but unfortunately it doesn’t support notifications for comments and I can’t figure out how to make it possible and for IOS I made the app downloadable as a configuration profile for website shortcut
If you have any question about anything in my app or if you want me to help you to do it just DM me on my IG @i.v.c_iraq