I couldn’t figured out how to filter a number column by 2 conditions (user’s ID and Checkbox value).
I need it in order to configure my bill recap in my user’s shopping cart.
I have a column “total”, in which is calculated the product price*quantity, however i’d like to calculate the sub-total per-user and with the checkbox value equals to false.
In long story short, i have a sheet ‘orders’, every product that user put in their shopping cart create a new row in this sheet. In order to separate current user’s order and past user’s order, i made a column “statut” where there is an checkbox (boolean value) to indicate if it is an actual order or a passed order.
Even if i made the email column a row owner, i couldn’t figured out how to calculate the sum (like using a rollup column) by filtering with these 2 conditions (email and statut).
I would like to know also if Glide couldn’t provide me any tools in order to accomplish this, will i be able to do my operation in google sheet directly, using functions and eventually SQL to filter with parameters ?
Ah if you’re mentioning that, the relation returns the row ID solely because it’s the first column in your data.
The point of it is Glide’s telling you “We have found some matches for your relation column and we’re showing it by the first column with data by default”.
If you want to actually see the information you want to bring back via a relation, use a lookup.
I didn’t mean you should use lookup for this, just an explanation on how relations and lookups work together, and why the relation is returning the row ID.
Are you making a relation based on the template column and then rollup using that column? What does it return?