Filter labels

Hi guies !
Im’ new in the community, I’ve tried to implement my first app last week.
It’s a pretty simple to use framework, I’ve been able to find solutions to my needs, but I’ve encountered an issue I can’t resolve.

I’m trying various way to make my app multilingual and I’ve seen some topics who can provide solutions such as defining the label in the user table.

But I d’ont wan’t to put too much data in the user tables, so the solution I’ve thinked about is to make a table for each one of my screens.
it works pretty well for the labels I can get thourght a table in the screen but when I want to add a collection with filter, i can’t get the filter label from my table
this is my page and the specifi table from wich I get my data source

the collection list has been set in one of the column of the table (Destination List)

For the filters, I’ve tried to set them to some labels I’ve defined in the table

But I don’t know why the labels can’t be displayed on the filter screen.

is there somthing I’m missing there or is there another way to do it ?


Can you show how the query and single value columns are configured? Are you getting those values from a table under row ownership?

I’m also a little confused on what I’m seeing in your screenshots. Your collection shows multiple items. You filter shows multiple items. But the table with the tables is only showing one row. I might need to know a little more about your data structure.

Hi thanks for your answer
in my table screen_mydestinations, I only have one row

this row will be set accordingly to some quesries I’ve made

the list used in the collection is from the column destinations list

for the labels I’mg getting them from another table
user_fields in wich I’m puttint all the labels I will use in my application
in this table for each field label, i will define a field name, i will get all the labels associated to this field in every language (field labels)
then from this labels, i will use a query to select the object associated with the language defined in the user profile (field label) the i will use a single value function to get the label value from this object


then on my screen table, I’m gettint the row associated with the field name (region for example) to get the value

that’s the idea

but the issue is not related on how I’m getting the single value

I’ve tried to set a fixed value in anoter column (test label on the right)

it also doesn’t show anything on the filter screen as filter label

Interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever done it it that way where the label comes from one table (your screen table), while the filter choices come from the data (your collection table). Actually kind of surprised it lets you do that.

If you click on the Data Preview button in the bottom left corner of the screen, when you are on the layout screen, what do you see?

I’d also be curious to see your appearance settings.

here’s the data preview

and sorry I’m not sure to know what are the appaearance settings you’re talking about ?

I’m referring to this below. The only reason I ask is because I’m wondering if the text is there, but maybe with a white font for some reason.

I haven’t been able to duplicate your problem. Your data preview show values, so I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work.

It may be a bug, but I want to see what your appearance settings look like and see if can can duplicate your issue.

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I see,
here are my appearance settings, I haven’t changed it, it was the default appearance setting

If you set your label to any other columns, does it display, or it doesn’t display at all?

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Not sure what’s going on. I can’t seem to duplicate the problem. I don’t have the exact same setup as you, but I’ve tried a few different things and the filter label is always shown.

Adding on to @ThinhDinh’s question, I know you tried a basic text column, but have you also tried just typing in a custom label instead of pointing it to a column? I know it doesn’t solve your problem, but just for the sake of narrowing in on the issue.

If typing a custom label doesn’t work, then I would have to say it’s definitely a bug.

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Hi @Jeff_Hager @ThinhDinh

typing a custom label works

here’s how you can reproduce the issue

Create a table with some data : example, uploading a csv with these data :

São Paulo,Brazil,South America
Mexico City,Mexico,North America
Kinshasa,Democratic Republic of the Congo,Africa
Buenos Aires,Argentina,South America
Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,South America
Bogotá,Colombia,South America

the name of the table is “Cities”
then create a table “My Screen” with these columns :

  • Name : Text, “My Screen”
  • Cities List : Query to get all the lines of the table Cities
  • Filter Label 1 : Text : “Label 1”
  • Filter Label 2 : Text : “Label 2”

Then on the layout views, create a custom view “My Screen”
using the table “My Screen” as data source

Then add a list collection on the screen

then change de data source of this list to the column “Cities List”

Then go to the option tab and add an in app filter

based on the column Continent

  1. use a custom label
    it works

  2. use the value of another column (Filter Label 2)
    it doesn’t work

    (the value of the column was

  3. use the value of a column of the Users table

it works

hope these details can help you reproduced my issue.

Ok I can reproduce this. I’ll escalate this to the team.

May I ask why do you need a helper table to build this though? And why do you need a query for the Cities?

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This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.

Best practices when escalating issues to support

@ThinhDinh What did you find out as far as reproducing?

Exactly like what he described.

There’s a span class that holds the value for the filter header. It’s loaded when you add a custom value, or a user profiles value. It’s still loaded when you specify the “Filter Label 1” as per his example, but it’s empty, as if the code can’t read the value in that column.

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Ah ok. I think I know why I couldn’t duplicate

It almost seems like the label randomly doesn’t work for some columns. Can’t quite figure out why. When I was testing, I was always using the first column in my table (a basic text column), which always worked. I tried a different basic text column in the same table that that did not work. Not quite sure why some do or some don’t. Seems kind of random.

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My need is to build a multilingual app
I’m using a helper table to get the labels in the language corresponding to the user preferences.
ie : according to the language chosen by my user, the column containing the label will be filled with the label in this language

and I’m using a query in order to get a list of data liked to the user (query on a cities list fitering it on the ones that the user have already visited).


I thought you can just do it in the users table, is there a reason you prefer a helper table here?

Because I don’t want to put to much unnecessary data in the user table

Got it, I usually just build it in the users table as I don’t want too many helper tables. Personal preferences.