Feeling a bit left out

I’ve got all my certificates
I’m building a lot Glide for internal use.
I became part of Glide’s expert program.
I get emails every so often about what is up and coming.

So I was present at the recent livestream for Glide Experts.
But I still felt being left out.

Because everything I create; is something for internal use.
I create my own client portals for my company.
But those “experts” are being left out from Slack, and other extra features.

I don’t need the Agency plan persee,
I don’t mind paying double for business account.

But it would be nice to be a part of the community.

Hey Daniel,

I hear ya. We put a lot of focus on the Glide Experts program this year.

In-house Gliders haven’t been forgotten, though. :slight_smile:

The 2025 plan is filling up quickly.

With that in mind…

As someone who’s building a lot with Glide internally, what would you like to see?

Oooh… Internal Experts program – love it!

@Daniel_van_Veldhoven I took a look at your account–thank you for upgrading to Business!

Haha thx. I’m even just a freelancer and Glide is already helping me out with my business. And that just for internal use.

I made my own CRM; my own forms with Glide. It is nice to have it all in one ecosystem.

I think somehow be part of the community more in depth would be nice. I have the same knowledge (probably even more specialised in certain areas) so I could help out others. Just being part of it would be a big plus.

*It could also lead in the future to an agency eventually. Ones my clients really start using my portals; they might request for features for their own. Which would be a nice segway towards their own Glide accounts. - But that is still something far in the future.

On the other side having an In-house Gliders “Program” would be nice.

What would that include???

  • Maybe some business advise? My plan is to take a lot of work out of the hand of my clients. How do I monotize that as paying just for time doesn’t make sense. Don’t plan on making a public app btw, still an internal app which I will gatekeep because my “main” service is something creative and will be always the bottleneck before Glide ever will be.

  • I reach my limits of updates, users & amount of rows a lot more quickly. As I’m building “one” interface for all my clients. Instead of an app per client. In preperation for an upgrade to Enterprise (yes, even as a solo entrepeneur) - I would like to be able to plan for that - but that is an hidden invisible box now.

  • You guys have an “Agency” plan. I’m not asking for something similair for a reduced price. But as a in-house glide developer; I don’t need the sales pitches. I’m already sold on Glide as an eco-system. It would be nice if you have specific certifications; that you could request information a bit easier?

  • Basicly I am a Business/Enterprise client. But I don’t need access to experts (I’m already friends with a bunch if I need extra help) - What I need the most is knowledge on how to expand and grow my business on Glide if that makes any sense?

Personal Note
Even if I want to build stuff for others; I would probably focus a bit more on Template creation (which I’m already doing, wip) and sell it on the Marketplace. I know you guys want to have the market place filled up with nice templates. I honestly wouldn’t mind if in the future other Glide Experts use my template and build further on top of it.

But also here; there is a lack of information as far as I saw. Only saw a list of what I can do and what I can’t do. But If I make a template; will you help me out with the pricing of it? Will I recieve feedback what could be done better? Will be there any guidance?

That is another part of the “Experts” that isn’t fully serviced yet.

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Thanks for the detailed response, @Daniel_van_Veldhoven.

Addressing some of your questions here:

In preperation for an upgrade to Enterprise (yes, even as a solo entrepeneur) - I would like to be able to plan for that - but that is an hidden invisible box now.

The Enterprise plan is customized for each customer by our Sales team, based on the customer’s specific needs. That’s why it’s a bit of a black box.

I’m already sold on Glide as an eco-system. It would be nice if you have specific certifications; that you could request information a bit easier?

The team loves this idea of more tightly-focused certifications.

Do you have something in mind already?

I am a Business/Enterprise client. But I don’t need access to experts (I’m already friends with a bunch if I need extra help) - What I need the most is knowledge on how to expand and grow my business on Glide if that makes any sense?

Absolutely, and this aligns with the planning we’re doing right now. :slight_smile:

I.e. “putting Glide to work”. Once you understand the Glide platform, and how to build solutions on the platform, what’s the next step? What is Glide best suited for? Where and how should you deploy Glide within your business?

^ Is that in line with what you’re thinking?

I understand that - but still having some structure would be nice. Or atleast, without taking the Sales team to much of their time; ask some questions how much an upgrade would cost.

I’m happy with short answers. As long as I’m clear what I want.

It is something we might have to pick eachothers brain at.

For me personally - I want to connect Glide to my Animation Software… so it is easy to export thousands and thousands of graphics & animations. (Ask Jack Vaughan if you want more details)

So maybe and Certification how to intergrate and combine Glide with other specialized softwares?

PS: I’m actually considering building a plugin for my animation software that connects to Glide.

Yeah, and honestly (and I know this is hard) how to do pricing. Specially when you are helping out clients with your own internal software.

To give a peek into my world. I create a lot of content for events; the “boring content”. Lineups, Artist Announcements, Timetables, Floorplans and anything that requires a lot of manual work but is a must have. I even do personalized content; one for each audiance member.

Last week I exported 10mil unique graphics for fun to test myself.

Where Glide comes in is that I’ve noticed that my clients are still using (no matter how big) are using spreadsheets to do their lineups. When dealing with 100+ artists, 5 stages and across 3 days. It becomes a mess. Let alone it creates a lot of stress for me to organize all those spreadsheets (and each ones looks different) - and that for every event. Getting proper organized data is actually the bottleneck.

With Glide I want to make it structured; so I don’t have to constantly rebuild my workflow with every event and every client.

Hope that my goals & “frustrations” are a bit more clear with this backstory :wink:

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It does! My takeaways:

You’re not an Expert building Glide solutions for others. You’re building a business around a Glide solution, and you’re looking for more guidance.

Topics could include…

  • Bringing structured data into Glide from inconsistent sources
  • Connecting Glide to your existing tools/software
  • Determining ROI/$$$ impact of Glide on the business

The last one riffs on your question re: pricing to make it more broadly applicable.

How does something like this sound?

All I can say you completely understand me and summerized it perfectly.

What can I say?

What do you have in mind?! What are the next steps?!
Already excited! @NoCodeAndy


Keep an eye on Announcements in the new year. :slight_smile:


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