Favicon not app icon?

It seems the favicon of my apps is the little black Glide icon and not my apps icon.
Is this a bug? Reading the forums, people say it’s supposed to be the App icon that’s used as favicon.


Have you changes icon? It might just be a cached version of the icon

Do you use a black icon with a transparent background along with black as your primary app color? If so, youll want to use an icon with s white background

Hi Krivo,
No, I haven’t, and its showing Glide’s app icon. Its weird.

Hmmm – no I’m not. Thanks for your input though.

Can you share a link so we can check?

hi, can you test https://my.vidaone.ch (in safari) if you can test it in safari would be great.

In Google Chrome for Mac i see my icon, in Safari I see Glide Icon.

@Carter On iOS 16.1.1 I do see your icon on my home screen when adding. Safari used

I can confirm it’s the behaviour on Safari.

Please submit a ticket: Form

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Thanks all – sorry for my late response.
But yes, it seems to be Safari messing up things.

I’ll post a ticket later.

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