As I use the tiles horizontal layout to display the different categories of my app for example, a link to detail screen is enought. Also if I want to drive people to a specific detail screen of a shop I want to promote, it works. But if I want to advertise a product, an event or whatever linked to a specific shop which I want to link to an external website, I can’t do it. It will be great to have that kind of choice in the inline list action select menu. What do you think? Tks
Do you mean that an additional Action should be added to the sheet view besides the only one there (Link detail screen). Specifically, Open link? I guess you would also have to have a dropdown to specify which column holds the link you want to launch.
Great idea.
I want the same as it allows for some great designs
@david this request seems to come up over time.
I wonder whether it would be difficult to implement. I believe it would give some great possibilities and allow for some more compact apps
I know @Jason has some thoughts on actions that could enable this.
External links as an action is definitely going to be a thing sooner or later
@Jason I will watch out for this feature - I know it is going to be awesome. Looking forward to the magic.
2nd this