Export Data Grid views as CSV/Excel

It would be really nice if I could give my customers the ability to export a data grid that I have given them access too - just the view of the data grid that I created for them - as CSV/Excel. Ie an “export” action button for data grid.

Oh just wait…I’ve seen some interesting things in the works related to CSV export :shushing_face:

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Can’t wait!

is there anything new where this feature would be possible?

Yes, there is now a CSV Integration that can be used.
The integration could be tied to an action attached to the Data Grid.
Note that the integration does not respect In-App filtering, so if you wanted to export a filtered list you would need to create your own custom filters.

What would you suggest as the easiest way to set up our custom filters? Is that through the csv after it is exported?

I’m thinking if there is a way to use an action to add what is filtered to a unique sheet, and then export from that sheet. But I am curious what you’ve been able to come up with.

No, you would need to set it up so that the Data Grid is sourced from a dynamic Query or Multiple Relation, and then use that Query/Relation as the source of the CSV Export.

Check out @Robert_Petitto’s tutorials. He has at least a couple that walk through the process of creating dynamic filters.

Awesome! I’ll check it out, thank you!