Can you please help me to export an app to another account.
Can you please help me to export an app to another account.
can someone help please
You do already have another team to transfer to?
I also don’t see the option. Is transfer only available for paid plans?
You should be able to transfer any app you built yourself from scratch.
If the app is built off of a template, then I believe that is a case where you might not be able to transfer betwee the app to another team.
Ah, that could be the problem. This seems like an odd limitation, though. Is there really no way to transfer because of this? As a new user the onboarding flow took me through and created an AI generated template. So, I guess I got cornered into this when just playing around and learning the tool. Now I am getting far enough that I think this might be the right tool and want to get more serious with it and move to my project’s google workspace. If this is the case, seems like this is something Glide needs to fix.
Can we help with this case @NoCodeAndy ?