Expense Tracker

Hello Gliders, I have made a simple expense tracker that helps my Mom to track daily home expenses. I am trying to make it more valuable and exciting by adding new features daily.

This app can help anyone who wants a basic expense tracker, where users can add expenses with categories and have a chart view.

Please have a look.
Expense Tracker - Track your daily expenses very easily.


No access

@Yasin_Hassanien Sorry my bad, I have made it public now. Please try again.

Good job as a start

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Very nice.

On the detail page of each category, possibly you don’t need the extra headlines since the screen title already makes it clear what the screen is about:

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@nathanaelb Thanks for the feedback, have made the changes. :grinning:

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Have added some features like -
Switch between months to show data.
Added images for categories.
Showing total spending per month.