Good evening, I can no longer connect to my application via Glide App, it tells me “Error 522”, what should I do?
there is an issue going on right now.
Glide are aware of it. There is another ticket on this. Error 522 is coming from cloudflare network (CDN)
What can we do?
Just wait, and be patient.
It’s just a waiting game Chris. Glide are normally quick at resolving and also as its Cloudflare I don’t expect it to take too long.
If your data is in Googlesheets, you can get access to it by going to the googlesheet directly.
Also the builder is fine, so you can get into the app from the builder, if that helps you.
ok merci, mes données sont dans les glide table, et j’arrive pas a accéder a mon application via le site, merci pour votre réponse, je vais attendre
mm… Strange.
I can access the designer/builder at and access the data from the there.
It appears to a DDoS attack, so the impact will probably vary from region to region.
Issue should be resolved now.
Oui le probleme est résolu merci a tous