Enable mulitiple users to send whatsapp to its Glide contacts


i have been studying alot of whatsapp notification threads on the community, with some great tutorials and insight… one key question that i have is - most of the solutions will enable me as the user to send whatsapp msgs as the “sender” - but how can i allow the sender number to also be dynamic.

Here is my use case:

  • Real estate agents access glide to manage their leads (only consented leads)
  • the real estate agent want to trigger whatsapp notifications one by one to specific leads - with a template message
  • when triggering the message, it should trigger it from the actual users number that is stored in the user table

is this even possible? i notided alot of the solutions you need to have whatsapp web running in the background etc. the ideal scenario is that the agent/user doesnt need to do anything technical themselves to get to trigger whatsapps when they are using the app.


I’ve never done WhatsApp integration, but I’d imagine that the only way this could work is if each of your Real Estate Agents had their own authorised WhatsApp business account with approved templates, and they all shared their access credentials with you.

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@Darren_Murphy , thanks for the response. they usually use their personal whatsapp numbers for messaging … i was hoping that one can do a straight forward webhook make/zapier and give it a from and to number :()

I could be wrong, but I’d be very surprised if it’s as simple as that.

Think about the same situation, but substitute email for WhatsApp. The only way to be able to send an email “as” another user is to be able to authenticate as that user to their email provider. I couldn’t imagine that WhatsApp would be any different in this regard.

It’s the same challenge that you have with market place type Apps. It’s easy enough to set up Stripe/Payhere integration and accept payments from users into your own account. But if you want user to user payments, it’s not possible unless every user has their own payment integration.

Yeah I think you’re completely right. We can not, and should not be able to send messages/emails from a number that we don’t have access to/haven’t proved that we own it.


Agreed, in this case i would have the ability to “onboard” every user - i was thinking, perhaps eqch have their own setup of @Manan_Mehta ’s autosender in which i can store the details in a table so that when agent A sends a whatsapp its using agent A’s autosender account - i wonder if something like that could work?

Using this method it would be very tricky to have each user send from his/ her own phone number. Each person would have to have their own message auto sender account. That includes payment, account creation (name and password), a special key for that message auto sender account and pairing that device with the message auto sender account through QR code.

If you want to allow all users to send messages from one dedicated phone number, then this method should work well.

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That won’t be possible unfortunately. There can only be 1 sender.

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Is this what you mean?

WhatsApp Notifications