Embed Video from Wevideo.com

Is there a way to embed, a video component / video from Wevideo (I’m hosting a good few videos on Wevideo). I managed to embed/link Youtube videos (public, private and unlisted), mp4 videos from Google-Drive to my test-Gildeapp, but couldn’t figure out how to embed a Wevideo.

I also saw that HTML / iframes are not supported. Wevideo provides and iframe/embed html code snippet.

I found this post, where “Jeff” mentioned that you have to find the Video Source Link in the source code, but couldn’t find any “.mp4” link or file-mentioned. Rich text / iframe / video / google forms - #2 by david .

Here a Wevideo I would like to embed … 2020-04-01 Whereby.com Phone Access Explainer v1 .

Any help, ideas or thoughts would be much appreciated.
Thanks M

just found another type of link to the above-mentioned sample-video I would like to embed/add to an app … https://www.wevideo.com/embed/#1634467199, vs previously mentioned link https://www.wevideo.com/view/1634467199 . I’m not sure what the difference is? A lot of the unnecessary clutter around the video is gone - on the second link.

:+1: ok … issue solved / question answered - I found the video-source-url in the source-code of the 2nd link, the embed link … Happy Days :grinning: :+1:

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