So Glide is improving so much… with CSS and Yes Column we can now do almost all workarounds for almost any problem. So I’m not gonna ask here for more components, but improving editing and functionality
so this is my wish list:
undo button in actions editor
undo button in the table editor
copy-paste values for whole ranges
copy-paste tables from one app to another
scrolling table left-right while moving column to a new position
link to existing screens (same as the link to tabs)
change columns colors for better organizing
merging Apps
copyright templates to prevent reselling
multiple Stripe accounts in one App and custom action after purchase completed
X:Y column that gives position of the last clicked pointer or touches in %
Add a row number in glide tables!!!
export glide table data to google sheet action
triggered actions in the IF ELSE column
native Excel formulas with filters working on the whole columns