Edit condition for same sheet

Hello. I have a sheet that is seen by two modes. Organizer & Participant.
Organizer can edit/delete all records.
Participant can edit/delete records only she created.

I put Email is signed in user condition but that doesn’t allow organizer to edit/delete records created by participants. What can I do?

Are their multiple organizers or just one? Is the organizer’s email listed in the participants rows? Could you use the user profile feature to add an edit condition where the signed in user is listed as an organizer in the user profile sheet?

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Yup this is what I do. You basically just need two conditions — one for the signed in user and then an “OR” to the User —> IsOrganizer column in the User Profile sheet.

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Thanks for your suggestions I found a solution. However, I didn’t use user profile option. I created a backward pointing lookup from the record type in question and pulled organizer email and put an OR condition on signed in user. It works that way!

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