E-mail about error

Good afternoon,
Does anyone know how to cancel sending an email when an error occurs while executing an action?
Glide does not allow you to delete several fields from a table and so I need to repeat some commands to be able to perform the task. It turns out that the number of fields is not always equal to the number of execution, so the glide, due to not finding a reference, sends an email informing that there is no field to execute SET COLUNM in the action.
Is it possible to cancel sending the email?

Can you share what your workflow looks like?

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Are you talking about fields (columns) or rows?
There is a very important difference. I can only assume that when you say “fields”, you really mean “rows” - is that correct?


Good afternoon,
Sorry for the delay in responding.
It’s not a ROW, it’s a column.
Name - Connection - Connection 2
John 1 1
Mary 1 1
Richard 1 1
Relation Connection with connection 2
In this case, the relation takes the first event (JoĂŁo)
Then I create an action and execute a set column
Clear value Name and link 1
Then the relation goes to the second event, since the first is not compatible, so I execute another set column right below the previous one with the same command. This erases Maria’s name and so on.
As for names, the set column works normally, however I add some extra set columns in case additional events happen.
At this moment, glide is unable to execute because it does not find a column in the relationship that meets the request and it sends an email to inform you of the error.
I want to avoid sending this email, is it possible. This change is good but causes inconvenience when several users use the application.


Seems like there’s something lost in translation here. It’s totally fine to write in your native language if it helps you express your problem better.

So you’re trying to clear values from multiple columns here in your example, but Glide returns an error? What exact message does that error state?

The action Salvar Tudo in the app Casa Montessori failed with the following error:

[Set column values] No row to set columns in

View action
Not interested in receiving this? Change your notifications settings.

Can you share a screenshot on how you’re configuring the action?

So it returned an error in one of the steps that you use to clear columns through a relation right?

Can you show us some screenshots on how those relations are set up?

Good morning,
There is no way to show the process.
RELATION looks for similar things and connects them. I eliminate an equality and it looks for the next one that is equal. This way I can clean the column. The problem is that I ask it to execute the command but it doesn’t have equality to execute. At this time it sends the e informing that there is no column to execute. And it doesn’t even exist in some situations.

As glide does not clear several columns, this was the solution I found to solve it.
It turns out that the number of columns I need to clean is not fixed and that’s why I have to create additional executions.

Good morning,
I want to thank everyone for always being willing to help in finding solutions.
Regarding this topic, I already managed to figure out how to remove error information from being sent.
The solution is to enter the application team and in the members section, change the sending of notifications to off.