I am creating a menu for a resturant, and the main menu is a Collection with a list of all the meals.
Every meal has a category and I have a filter by category so it’s easy to view only deserts if I want to.
It would be really nice to have another choice to also only show items that i marked as vegan or vegetarian.
I have a column in my Gsheet where I have set the values vegan;vegetarian;meat but how do I present and only show vegan entries from the list.
I have played around with “Choice” and also with additional “filter data” Option, but that seems to filter the showed items for everyone that is viewing the page.
I need like an additional filter on top of the food category.
Can this be done?
Maybe i can concatenate the category and Vegan column inteo a new column and set the filter on that, but I have not got that working.
Yes you can totally do it by:
Adding a new user specific column
Then Adding a choice component with the categories and writing them to the user specific column
Last step adding a filter in the list of restaurants with Category (which is your restaurants category) is Screen > The user specific column that you made.
This will only show you the list of category which you have selected in the choice component.
Note: User specific column will help you filter to each user differently.
Found in the forum by @Jeff_Hager
“Public apps will only hold user specific column values until the app is restarted. There is is no user to attach them to in the glide database, so they are only temporarily stored locally on the device.”
Then I assume you have a table called menuItems with all the products and a column called category and another called vegan
Lets say you are using an inline list to show the menu items
Then in the options of the inline list you need to add in a filtere
where category [is equal to] categUSC (then add another filter AND)
where vegan [is equal to] veganUSC