Downloading data in a pdf or email


I created an app that allows me to keep track of metro trips. Is there a way to have a feature that allows us to “Download” the data in a specific template or form that one can print out? I know I can go in to my google sheet but was wondering if that was possible? As I may want to do it for another app I am working on.
Thanks! Such an amazing group.

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Hey !

Thanks for sharing your issue with the community.

Based on your question, I think that the best option to you (and your users ?) is that you use Integromat or Zappier. You’ll then be able to create automations that may send automatic emails or documents that you can print or do something with them.

Let us know !

If you want a PDF to be printed out, then you can user Zapier/Integromat alongside PDFMonkey. You can design the PDFMonkey template then link it with a Zapier/Integromat scenario.

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Hi All

Working on printing receipts to pdf using zapier and pdfmonkey. I am stuck!

I am using a single template column to provide the data payload to supply to the pdfmonkey action. My zapier action in glide is set up correctly and nominates value1 as the template data column. When i run the Zap, it fails with the following error message in the pdfmonkey 'Data In" step:
“Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0”

As tests, I have:
1 tested my template column in Json parser and it’s good
2 copied my template column data manually into PdfMonkey template data section and the pdf generates perfectly
3 copied my template column data manually into the Zapier zap (instead of nominating Value 1), run the action in Glide and it works perfectly.

Appreciate any suggestions.
My template column output is

{“invoice_num”:“1004_qY”, “invoice_date”:“20/11/2021”, “client_name”: “Test Salon X”, “billing_address”:“Test Salon X”, “received_by”:“Maxine”, “total_vat_amt”:“33.91”, “total_incl_vat”:“260.00”, “paid_by”:“Cash”, “lineItems”:[{“code”:“0000”,“description”:“Deal 1 - Treatment and Braid Spray R50”, “quantity”:“1”, “price”:“50.00”, “subtotal”:“50.00”}, {“code”:“0000”,“description”:“Deal 4 - Treatment x3, Moisturizer x3, Braid Spray x3 R210”, “quantity”:“1”, “price”:“210.00”, “subtotal”:“210.00”}]}

Why you don t insert the receipt in a Google sheet cell and print it from the Google sheet.
You can use a template and design your receipt to be inserted in a cell for printing. It is not the best solution bur works.