Documentation - based on table export

Documentation is good :slight_smile:

I thought that exporting all the data from the app (via Export on the Glide tables) would make a good basis for documenting all the columns.
But it seems as not all columns gets exported - the Relation column, Generate Text (AI) (and maybe others) don’t seem to get exported. Could be that nothing is getting exported if the column doesn’t contain any value at the moment

Is there a way to get all columns exported?

How do you document all the columns (why the exist and what they do) that you have created in your app?

Thx :slight_smile:

Computed columns don’t contain values, so there wouldn’t be anything to export. Also those columns aren’t computed on Glide’s end where the export file is being built. They are only computed on your device as needed.

@Jeff_Hager Well, the values are found in the builder - so data should be there, I suppose. If-then-else column works for export.

Anyhow, I wonder how others document all the columns (why the exist and what they do) that you have created in your app?

I use a combination of (functional) column grouping, and very descriptive column names.

I live in hope that Glide might one day give us that Notes feature that they teased us with a couple of years ago.

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Computed values are in the builder, but still computed locally on your computer. They typically aren’t computed using Glide server resources unless it’s one of those integrations that runs server side and is cached by Glide.

Oh, it does? That pokes a hole in my theory then.

I would think that any array type of value is going to be difficult to export. The whole thing about trying to fit multiple values in something that can only hold a single value. Relations show links to entire rows, so I’m not sure what you would expect for an exported value.

Anywho…I don’t have any advice for documentation. It’s all in my head and I just hope that I don’t forget anything.


For documenting what I do, I do like Darren, I try to be as specific as possible with naming, I try to have consistent naming conventions, and I group columns (often by function or feature or nature or whatever novel idea I might have).

That being said, every time I return to an app I haven’t touched in a while, I find myself scratching my head in wonder. First, I have the memory of a goldfish. Second, my “consistent” naming seems to be consistent in the moment, not across apps or time. I feel like I rediscover my own apps. Which can be pleasant, or unpleasant, depending :sweat_smile:

No later than a today, I was working on an old app and saw a column grouping I named ‘PrimaryKey’. I kind of understand my intentions at the time, but also not really. All well.

I wish we had notes in the builder for documentation, because in theory I could create my documentation elsewhere, but in practice I don’t.


I can’t help wondering if that was around the time we had our Database Normalisation discussion :joy:

You bet it was! :sweat_smile: Fifth normal form or nothing.

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Would the CSV integration work better in that regard?

@ThinhDinh Thanks for input. The generate CSV actually outputs fewer columns

What do you mean by “fewer columns”? Do you mean when less column types are available?

@ThinhDinh less colums outputted in the export

But it would allow you to select which columns to export. Have you tried choosing them all?


It was able to export the calculated columns for me.